Dear Families:
Our school is excited to be hosting the launch of the Make Your Move Antigonish initiative on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Here at HM, we strive to incorporate movement and physical activity on a daily basis to support student learning and success. We will share our school’s celebration in our school newsletter, website and social media platforms.
In addition, our Antigonish Make Your Move partners have hired a local professional digital media producer to be onsite at the event to capture photo and video footage of students and staff taking part in the activities. 989XFM has also been invited to attend so there is a possibility students may be interviewed.
As a result, please find attached additional information and consent form from Make Your Move Antigonish seeking your permission to share and publish your child’s personal information in print, online and on social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) as part of this initiative.
In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Act, the Strait Regional Centre for Education (SRCE) believes strongly in the need to protect the privacy of all students and recognizes the issues around the publishing of student images, student work and personal student identifying information, especially on the public Internet and social media sites. However, the Strait Regional Centre for Education also believes that the showcasing of students, their work, activities and achievements, is an important part of school life and can be a very positive experience for students.
Therefore, it is the practice of the Strait Regional Centre for Education and its schools to ensure written informed consent from parents/guardians is received before any student identifying information, including name, grade, school, video/voice/audio recording, images (photos) of students and/or student work, is used and shared in print, online and/or in social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and prior to any student media interviews.
Please return the attached Make Your Move Antigonish Consent Form to me by Monday, May 8, 2023. This information will also be posted on the main page of our school website at https://hmms.srce.ca/.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Jerome Stewart